Annotations of contributions

INFOS 2021 - lectures in the program (in alphabetical order)

Posts in Polish and English

Braun Paweł (PL)
Director, Municipal Library in Łódź
Szuflandia - self-service loans 24/7

During the pandemic, the City Library in Łódź launched Szuflandia - a self-service library for its readers. It is the first facility of this type in this part of Europe. The innovative solution enables book borrowing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Readers can borrow books without prior reservation. The contents of the shelves are visible through the glass drawer. The outlet proved to be great in times of lockdown, making book lending safe and always available in the pandemic, regardless of restrictions, not requiring direct contact between librarian and readers.

Kisilowska Małgorzata (PL)
Professor, Uniwersytet Warszawski
Public libraries - perspectives of changes in post-pandemic society

The aim of the paper is to present some of the results of research into the situation of public libraries in Poland during the first lockout (spring 2020). The subject of the analysis will be the opinions of the respondents on the impact of this crisis on the current and future functioning of libraries, especially on financing and employment, the decline of the reader base (the departure of the youngest and oldest readers), activities in a crisis situation, libraries in the crisis management system, building social resilience. 

Lison Barbara (DE)
Director Bremen Public Library / IFLA President-elect
Libraries - a Rock in the Breakers of the Pandemic

The Coronavirus has flooded the whole world and is having an enormous impact on the work of libraries as well. How do they react to the challenges of restricted services or even total closure and shutdown? What might be the long-term consequences, the lessons learned and the takeaways? Which role do library associations play in supporting the libraries and librarians in these circumstances? With the focus on the situation in Germany, this talk will give an insight of how public libraries have been trying to overcome the initial shock and then to proactively start to cope with the critical situation and to discover chances for transformation.

Radniecki Tara (USA)
Head of the DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library, University of Nevada, Reno (USA)
Makerspace in the library and extension of experiential learning in the classroom

Makerspaces are becoming more common in academic libraries. This paper will analyze how one such space uses its resources and expertise to integrate production into a wide range of disciplines and to support the achievement of student learning outcomes. While 3D printing, laser cutting, milling, and more often come naturally in engineering students' academic careers, the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library works to extend the critical and transdisciplinary skills gained through fabrication to other disciplines such as art, information science, education, and more. .

Steponaitiene Jolita (LV)
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
Lithuanian cultural heritage – in virtual space. 15 years of experience with the national portal.

The paper will present 15 years of experience of Lithuanian libraries in the field of digitization: opportunities, challenges and solutions. We want to share our experience of cooperation with the Europeana portal and new ideas for activities.

Articles in Slovak and Czech

Bellérová Beata, Mgr. PhD.; Džuganová Daniela, PhDr.
Slovak Agricultural Library at SPU in Nitra, UPJŠ University Library in Košice
Let's move on in information education
The concept of information literacy is constantly evolving, expanding and adding new topics and forms. Libraries must continuously respond to these trends, supplement the content of information education, adapt forms and obtain feedback. The Slovak Library Association (SAK) is implementing a project aimed at mapping the state of information literacy among young people, exchanging librarians' experiences and gaining new knowledge about library information education. The project follows the long-term activities of SAK in the field of information education.

Černý Michal, RNDr.
Department of Information Studies and Librarianship, FF MU in Brno
Online courses (together) proposed by users
There are many approaches to creating an educational program. In this paper, we will focus specifically on the analysis of the experience when its users, in our case teachers and high school students, are involved in the design process of the course. What brings such a participatory model? And what, are its weaknesses? The article will be based on the project, which we have been preparing in this way for two and a half years.

Čonka Roman, Mgr.; Halienová Mária, Mgr. et al.
State scientific library in Prešov
New online activities in the Prešov scientific library
The online world is increasingly becoming a common standard in people's lives. It is good, or it is not good? The best answer is a symbiosis of real and online life in the way it would be beneficial for human being. The authors' contribution tries to show whether and how they achieved this symbiosis in the State Scientific Library in Prešov and how this pandemic period helped them with it.

Giebisch Roman, M.Sc., Ph.D.
National Library of the Czech Republic
Online education at the time of coronavirus
Even librarianship was not spared by the coronavirus pandemic, classic teaching took over and moved from our classrooms to our homes. However, libraries did not have much experience with online teaching, and they had to react immediately. As it happens, "everything bad is good for something"...

Fiala Tomáš, Mgr.
Center for scientific and technical information of the Slovak Republic
Virtual study rooms as a gateway to study
Virtual study rooms interpose to employers and students accession to more than 800,000 pages of those study and scientific- research titles which universities have chosen by themselves. The main goal of the service is to provide simple and immediate virtual access in a pleasant user environment to e-books serving to support education, science and research.  

Hrabinová Svetlana, PhD.
Library of the Tomáš Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
Chaos theory and the library: how to get out of it?
The last year and pandemic period showed us a lot and significantly affected the operation of not only academic libraries. How the string of new and unexpected situations changed library services? Does unexpected chaos mean an opportunity for positive and effective change? What has the pandemic gave and took to academic libraries and their users? The contribution will try to find answers to these questions based on real experience from practise.

Hudačková Tatiana, Mgr.
Regional library PO Hviezdoslav in Prešov
Is the online world for everyone?
Presentation of online activities and events of the Regional Library PO Hviezdoslav in Prešov. Summary of the positives and negatives of working in the online space. What we have learned thanks to the pandemic and how we will use it in the future.

Jakešová Soňa, Ing.

Ján Bocatia Public Library in Košice

Attack of the pandemic period on public libraries

Pandemic situation legs-crossed the whole segment of culture, including libraries. Public libraries, which focus many of their activities on community events or non-formal education, were stopped or had to choose alternative solutions. What were and are the possibilities of the public library to attract even without the physical participation of the public? In the public library Verejná knižnica Jána Bocatia (VKJB) we have turned barriers into new opportunities.

Kareš Ivo, Mgr.

South Bohemian Scientific Library in České Budějovice

South Bohemian Scientific Library (not only) during the epidemic

The contribution is dedicated to activity of the library in recent period: to the construction of a new study library building, e-borrowings, to regional digital library and to other activities of the library in the virtual world.

Karulová Dana, Bc.

Slovak National Gallery

Library of the Slovak National Gallery - new spaces, new possibilities

The library of the Slovak National Gallery will be moving to renovated premises in the near future. In the new building, the library has acquired premises that provide new possibilities and collaboration. One of them is the centralization of the services of the VŠVU library and the SNG library. A large open library will be created in one place, which will provide services for professional and educational activities and at the same time will become a pleasant community place in the center of the gallery.

Krčál Martin

Moravian State Library in Brno #protiviru online

The portal is working for users of Czech libraries for more than five years. In the last year, libraries have experienced a stress test and they had to respond to changed conditions with new services and modifications of existing ones. How did the portal help them with that? What activities the portal implemented during the pandemic? And why is cooperation important? Not only on these questions will the author of the contribution try to respond. 

Matúšková Jana, PhDr., Bizík Andrej, Ing. and Hausleitner Peter, Ing. 

University library in Bratislava

Archive of Digital Sources after five years

The archive of digital sources builds deposit of digital sources UKB within sustainability of the project “Digital sources” – web harvesting and archiving of e-Born contents since 2016. The archive consists of two parts - the web archive and the archive of electronic publications. The contribution evaluates the five years of the archive's existence and the achieved results, provides an overview of all types of website collections, special attention is paying to the analysis of the full-area collection 2020. In the end are outlined perspectives and visions of further development.

Petrýdesová Dana, PhDr. 

Regional Scientific Library in Liberec

Library – a place where I get to know the world

A large part of the public perceives libraries as book rentals or as "just" cultural institutions. At the same time libraries do not have a simple situation - a rapidly changing needs and demands of society, the rate of development of IT technologies beyond the means of understanding and meaningful use of common users, there are temptations in the form of social networks ... But even in this environment and area, libraries have to offer. Let's try to look at the library differently - as a free, open and safe space (physical and virtual), which supports education by various means, cultivates personality, offers opportunities and space for exchanging views, with its modern interior and attractive services attracts more and more readers and visitors, is the first choice when choosing a place to spend your free time… as a place where you can explore the world. 

Prextová Kamila, PhDr.

Košice youth library

Diary of innovations in the Library for Youth of the City of Košice

Library services were given the opportunity to restart. The online space has not been explored as it is now. Great time for innovations in libraries.

Rác Richard, Buzová Katarína, PhD.

Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava

Library information services in Slovakia during the Covid-19 pandemic

On a large sample of Slovak libraries was conducted the questionnaire survey. The result shows of the problems that libraries have encountered, how they have responded to them, what and how they have changed in the provision of their services. In addition to changes in the provision of absentee, presence and electronic lending services, as well as consulting and retrieval, the survey also looks at how libraries have moved into the online environment, how they tried to keep in touch with users and what obstacles they had to deal with spatial options, personnel or financial issues.

Vít Richter, PhDr.

National Library of the Czech Republic

Making unavailable works available on the market in the Czech Republic

Current status of access to digitized library collections protected by copyright in the mode of works not available on the market. Conclusion of collective licensing agreements, operation of the List of works not available on the market, offer of digital services through libraries.

Šušol Jaroslav, prof.

Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library and Information Science

Education in the environment of library-information institutions in the context of labor market development strategies

Development strategy of the labor market in Slovakia, sector-driven innovation and their projection into field of libraries. The impact of innovation on the formation of the content of education in librarianship and in the wider social context.

Štefek Tomáš, Mgr.

City library in Bratislava

What for is a good identity for a library and how to use it

We started looking for a new way of visual communication. However, we realized that we cannot build a visual and communication identity if we do not have an organizational identity set up in the first place. Until now, after 6 months of discussions with the team, partners, users, and people who showed no interest in the library. What have we learned? Significant strategic contribution, which will try to illustrate with concrete results.

Végh Norbert, Mgr.

Slovak library for the blind Matej Hrebenda in Levoča

Digital textbooks not only for the blind

At the beginning of 2021, we made available 253 digital textbooks, workbooks and recommended literature for primary schools in PDF format for library readers. The digitalization of textbooks was carried out by the Center for Scientific and Technical Information in Bratislava. Recommended literature in PDF format was supplemented with audio recordings. Digital textbooks are intended for disabled children, their teachers, assistants and parents. They can download them from our digital library.