
13:00 - 13:30
Welcome - speeches
13:30 – 14:10 
The role of the teaching librarian from the point of view of the challenges of contemporary society
Mazáčová Pavlína, Mgr., Ph.D. – Masaryk University Brno, FF KISaK/Czech Republic

14:15 – 14:35   
The importance of education in the librarian profession 

Prachárová Zuzana, Mgr. – Slovak National Library/Slovakia 

14:40 – 15:20
New approaches to the education of employees of the National Library of the Czech Republic 

Mrázová Michaela, Mgr. – National Library of the Czech Republic/Czech Republic  


15:50 - 16:10  
Digital competences of workers of memory and fund institutions in Slovakia - opportunities avchallenges (online)
Gábrišová Henrieta Mgr., PhD. – Freelance researcher / external cooperation with the University of Agder  
16:15 – 17:00
Get inspired by libraries near and far
Ton van Vlimmeren/Kingdom of the Netherlands
17:10 - 17:30 
Library education of the 21st century: What possibilities does CVTI SR offer? 
Fázik Jakub, PhDr., PhD. – Center for Scientific and Technical Information SR/Slovakia  


19:00 – 21:00
Social evening
DKC Veritas – Multifunctional space, Dominikánske námestie  
08:30 – 09:10
IFLA's latest strategic documents as an inspiring international framework for the library profession and the global library network: IFLA Strategy 2024-2029, IFLA Trend Report 2024 and the Brisbane Declaration
Stasselová Silvia, Ing. – member of the IFLA Governing Board, general director of the University Library in Bratislava / Slovakia
09:15 – 09:35 
No, it's not a slogan, it's a fact. 
Martinická Alžbeta, Ing. – Turkish library in Martin/Slovakia 
09:40 - 10:25 
How to tell people why libraries are important (Implementation of the strategy for public libraries and support from the Finnish Library Association)
Manninen Juha, MBA - Finnish Library Association/Finland 


10:55 - 11:15 
Creative Europe as a financing tool for the cultural and creative sectors 
Natália Urblíková Mgr. – Creative Europe Desk/Slovakia 
11:20 - 12:00 
Online communication of libraries 
Slezák Barčáková Terézia, Mgr. art. – Slovak Alliance for Innovation Economy SAPIE/Slovakia 


13:00 – 13:20  
National platform of library information services of the Slovak Republic of the new generation (NAKIS5G) 
Katusčák Dušan, Prof., PhDr., PhD., – ŠVK Banská Bystrica; Silesian University Opava/Slovakia 
13:25 – 14:05
Tritius – a complete web-based multi-library system for large libraries             
Šilha Jiří, Ing. – Tritius Solutions as/Czech Republic
14:10 - 14:50
All roads lead to BIBLIB 
Ján Grman, M.Sc., PhD. – SVOP spol. s ro/Slovakia


15:10 – 15:50 
The future of libraries with artificial intelligence: Opportunities avchallenges 
Tóth Szász Enikő – Clarivate/ Czech Republic
15:55 - 16:15
Welcome to the new digital era - spatial
Virčíková Maria – Matsuko/Slovakia 
Artificial intelligence and libraries: finding a balance between ethics and innovation
Maja Maricevic – British Library/Great Britain  
Guided tour of the city 
Local Nomad
08:30 - 09:00 
The library of the future: From shelves full of books to a technological workshop 
Baranko Dávid, Mgr. – Center for Scientific and Technical Information SR/Slovakia 
09:05 – 09:25 
Education and cooperation - the basis of success 
Andrejčíková Nadežda Ing., PhD. – Cosmotron Slovakia, s.r.o./Slovakia 
09:30 - 09:50 
A million audiobooks to readers 
Végh Norbert, Mgr. – Slovak Library for the Blind Matej Hrebenda in Levoča/Slovakia 
09:55 – 10:15 
Theoretical approaches to defining and typologies of benchmarking           
Tverdokhlebova Ekaterina, Mgr. – Comenius University in Bratislava, KKaIV/Slovakia 
10:15 - 11:00